What is a Canine Esthetician?

A Certified Canine Esthetician is a professional that has taken the time to learn and fully understand the complexity of skin and coat. They have the abilities to visually assess abnormalities within the skin and coat and to act upon such knowledge in an effort to provide relief to ailments. Canine Estheticians cannot DIAGNOSE any skin issues but they can be proactive by upholding a standard of care to treat the symptoms at hand.

For a proper Diagnosis see your local Veterinarian or Veterinary Dermatologist.

Iv San Bernard

Grooming Products

Iv San Bernard is the very first cosmetic/grooming aid product line to be certified by the Safe Pet Cosmetic program. The Safe Pet Cosmetics program was created by cosmetologists and veterinarians in conjunction with the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences of the Alma Mater Studiorum of the University of Bologna. The Safe Pet Cosmetics Program has two different industries (the cosmetology and veterinary industry) evaluating the safety of pet cosmetic products. It works to meet and follow, the more stringent regulations of the human cosmetics field and provide a credible certification to those products that meet their standards

What makes these products different?

It's a tear-less, lick-safe, face wash color brightener all-in-one. It uses Blueberries, Avocado, Coconut oil and Aloe. The Blueberry Facial is rich in Vitamins A, D & E. It is also gentle around the eyes and smells delicious. Blueberry Facial is good for eye stains.

Blueberry Facial- $6

Made with food-grade pigments & safe for cats, dogs, and pets that can be bathed

Pet-Safe Hair Dye- Starting at $20

Color pictured was done By Jenny Deyoe, of Pink Dog Parlor

Pawdicure- $10

Pawdicure Full Set- $20

Pawdicure includes deep cleaning fizzy tabs added to the bath.

A full set includes fizzy tabs and nail wraps of your choice on 8 toes